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The Law

This area contains the EU and Member State documents having legally binding value.

Picture representing: Apple, FIAT FC, Starbucks & Amazon: preview of LuxLeaks new Fiscal #StateAid trend?

Apple, FIAT FC, Starbucks & Amazon: preview of LuxLeaks new Fiscal #StateAid trend?

In the second half of 2014 the Commission developed a second wave of State aid proceedings pursuant to Article 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) with respect to measures affecting the relocation of taxable bases of MNEs within their EU operations.

Commission opens formal investigation into proposed Polish State aid to Fiat Powertrain

Picture representing: Commission opens formal investigation into proposed Polish State aid to Fiat Powertrain

The European Commission has opened a formal investigation under EU State aid rules into Polish plans to grant aid towards a project by the Fiat group to produce a new generation of petrol engines in the Silesia region. At this stage, the Commission has doubts the aid meets the EU guidelines on aid to large investment projects in relation to the market shares and production capacities of the Fiat Group. The opening of a formal investigation gives interested third parties the possibility to comment on the proposed measure. It does not prejudge the outcome of the procedure.

State aid: the Commission authorises the creation of urban tax-free zones in Italy

Picture representing: State aid: the Commission authorises the creation of urban tax-free zones in Italy

The European Commission has authorised, under EC Treaty state aid rules, the creation of urban tax-free zones in certain parts of Italy. The aim of the measure is to encourage the regeneration of particularly deprived areas.

State aid: Commission authorises temporary Italian interest rate subsidies for green products

Picture representing: State aid: Commission authorises temporary Italian interest rate subsidies for green products

The European Commission has authorised under EC Treaty state aid rules an Italian scheme offering interest rate subsidies for the production of environmentally friendly (green) products in the car parts sector. The Commission concluded that the scheme will facilitate investments in products featuring an early adaptation to EU standards for the improvement of environmental protection.

State aid: Commission approves Italian risk-capital measure to boost real economy

Picture representing: State aid: Commission approves Italian risk-capital measure to boost real economy

he European Commission has approved, under EC Treaty state aid rules, an Italian framework temporarily adapting certain existing risk-capital schemes to increase companies' financing possibilities during the current economic crisis. The measure will allow for more flexible risk-capital investments until 2010.

State aid: Commission authorises amendment of Italian scheme to inject capital in credit institutions

The European Commission has found compatible with Article 87.3.b ...

State Aid: New General Block exemption Regulation

European Commission adopted Regulation No 800/2008 of 6 August 20...

Fiscal State Aid to Italian UCITS specialised small & medium-capitalized companies

The European Commission, with a Decision of September 6, 2005 dec...

Block Exemption Regulation No 2204/2002 on State aid for employment

Block exemption Regulation that exempts (under certain conditions...