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List of Topic (TAGS) search with 'Serious disturbance in a Member State's economy'

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State aid: Commission approves Italian risk-capital measure to boost real economy

Picture representing: State aid: Commission approves Italian risk-capital measure to boost real economy

he European Commission has approved, under EC Treaty state aid rules, an Italian framework temporarily adapting certain existing risk-capital schemes to increase companies' financing possibilities during the current economic crisis. The measure will allow for more flexible risk-capital investments until 2010.

State aid: Commission authorises amendment of Italian scheme to inject capital in credit institutions

Picture representing: State aid: Commission authorises amendment of Italian scheme to inject capital in credit institutions

The European Commission has found compatible with Article 87.3.b of the EC Treaty the amendments to the Italian recapitalisation scheme (already approved on 23 December 2008) which provide for an adequate remuneration of the state intervention and appropriate incentives for an early exit of the aid scheme.